

24 February, 2009


For those of you that have never been to New York or haven't commuted in a big city I would like to fill you in on some of the games I play to pass the time during my travels.

First there is the Guess the Gender game. There are many different ways to play this one. You have the "Pat" version which is the total non gender person which can go either way. These totally blow my it a man or a woman? Then there is the Tran-gender Game which I have to say I'm pretty good at. When you pick a contestant for this one there are certain things you check first, feet and hands. It's pretty hard to hide the man hands. Then you go for hip width...ah none check and then the neck for the good old Adam's apple or a scar from where it was shaved down. But let's not forget the with hips and sad looking facial're not fooling anyone.

Then there is the Don't Step In Puke game which is usually only played on Monday mornings or on March 18th. It's kind of like hop scotch. You get to be very agile on your feet after walking around NYC.Some mornings it almost looks like your practising your dance moves all the way cross town.

The last game which I really try to avoid playing but sometimes it's just too hard not to is Poop, Animal or Human. I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

Now don't get me wrong, New York City is not all bad in fact it is the best city in the world and I've been to many. These are just a few things that get me through the day on that boring commute from Jersey.

12 February, 2009


As some of you know Aida had a great birthday party on Sunday. She got kissed by a Skink lizard played with some gerbils and made glow in the dark slime!

11 February, 2009

Bo Bo and Me

Here are some pictures of me and Violet when we were out for Jen's birthday with the family. Don't you just love her and is my nose getting bigger with old age? Albert!

10 February, 2009


A-Rod and his dream girl?

I couldn't pass this one up. It made me laugh!

09 February, 2009


Well, almost. Aida will be turning 6 this Sunday but she had her birthday party yesterday with her friends. When Jeannine asked what kind of cake she wanted she said a chocolate forest cake...okay, what ever 6 years old. I think MJ and I delivered on her request.

They had her party at the greatest place in Brooklyn Cosmic Cove. Carmellow, the guy who runs the party was great. He was very funny and great with all of the kids. They got to play with a couple of lizard and gerbils and then they got to make their own glow in the dark slime! I think I will be having my next birthday party there!

03 February, 2009


As many of you already know out of desperation I got a fish tank so I could have a pet. Well it's been up and running for over a month now and I am happy to report that I now have 16 pets. I have 5 each of the following:

Black Neon
Serpae Tetras
Fancy Tailed Zebra Danios

and lets not forget Pablo the pleco "sucka" fish.

Let's hope they last and I don't kill them all! I just won't ask Karen to fish sit for me.