

31 May, 2012

Crazy Baby!

I don't know what to do with this baby in the evening. He won't go to sleep lately and just cries no matter what. He's been up for almost 4 hours! Thats crazy! He's too young to be up that long. I feed him. I change him. I try swaddling him and rocking him. Nothing works on cranky baby. Try letting him cry it out but that can go on for hours! Then if he should fall asleep as soon as I put him down he wakes up and loses it all over again! Ahhhh!

30 May, 2012

He's Lucky He's Cute!

Holy cranky babies! Cry, cry cry...don't put me down...don't let me sleep for more then an hour...cry, cry, cry! 3:30 pm and I'm still in my pjs needing a shower! Don't know if he is just a gas man or he's getting colic or what but he sure can scream. Lucky I still have tough skin and it takes a lot of crying to upset me otherwise we would both be losing it! I guess a couple bad nights/days out of 30+ isn't so bad. He can't be perfect all the time. Can he?


23 May, 2012

One Month Mom

I can't believe it was four weeks ago that everything changed forever,  Luca Albert came into our lives. My little man is so damn cute it's crazy.  I know, every mom thinks their kid is the cutest but mine really is. I asked my best friend a long time ago that if my child was ugly that she would have to tell me and she hasn't said anything yet so I'm going with he's adorable.
I have to say motherhood is very fun, challenging at times and definitely tiring but is so worth it when you wake up and see that little face.  Now I am a sleeper and was wondering how I was going to pull this off. After all I have been sleeping for as much as I've wanted for 40 years. Old habits are hard to break! I have been doing rather well with the lack of sleep but it still takes me awhile to realize that the noise I hear is not only a baby crying but my baby crying. Oh crap, I have to get up!  Now Steven who for as long as I have know him has claimed to be a light sleeper but he seems to be sleeping through the noise just fine. Funny how that works out but he does work so hard for us I can't complain.
The best part about all of this is that my two nephews finally realize I exist! Duncan who will be 10 in July and Drew who just turned 8 love Luca! I mean the girls love him too but they are girls and were so excited from the beginning but the boys are too cute with him.  They always want to hold him and say things like "when he is my age I can drive him to school" and "Don't let him have a binky cause he'll end up with teeth like mine".  Drew was holding him today when Luca started making his pooh face so it was only a matter of time and when he finally did the grin on Drew's face was priceless.  He was laughing like crazy.  Not only did that get Luca a big hug when it was time to go but me too! I don't think Drew has ever hugged me good bye with out being told before. How cute is that?
I can't wait to see what happens next. They love their little cousin! 

12 May, 2012

How Lucky Am I ?

Just hanging out with the family on this beautiful Saturday afternoon. Dogs and daddy are sleeping while mommy and Luca watch the Yankees play the Mariners.  I'm filling Luca in on how much mommy wanted to take out the Mariner Moose when she lived in Seattle.  
So I have officially been a mom now for 18 days but it seems like forever but in a good way. I didn't think it would come so easily to be honest with you but I am very lucky because he is a very easy baby, at least so far. I hope I don't jinx it! Like now, he is in his Mamaroo but still fussing. Come on kid, go to sleep will ya! Ah the Mamaroo won and he's out! 
Tomorrow is my first mother's day and I will get to spend it with the family at MJ and David's. Unfortunately daddy will have to work Sunday night so we are going to have our mother's day celebration tonight with some Grub Hut take out and Netflix! Couldn't ask for anything more then staying home and enjoying my new family. It may have taken me a bit longer than everyone else to get that family but it was definitely worth the wait. I couldn't ask for anything more. 
Boy motherhood has sure made me soft! 

10 May, 2012

Like father like son?

And where does he get that face from?

Ahh pooh!

This is the look you get from Luca right before he poops! Isn't it the cutest?

09 May, 2012

2 Weeks

The little man is two weeks old today and I still can't believe I'm a mom and Steven is a dad.  Time is going by pretty fast especially since all you do is sleep, eat, and change diapers although I definitely could use a lot more sleep.  I have to get use to sleeping when he is especially like right now but thought I would just check in real quick.  
The little man is doing great except he still doesn't want to latch on to the boob. Once in a blue moon he'll get it right but we'll just keep working on it.  He also does not like to burp then as soon as you put him down he pukes up. Work with me will ya! I was trying to give him a little sponge bath today and I guess he decided I wasn't doing it right and puked all over himself. I can't wait for his stump to fall off so he can get a proper bath and not smell like a homeless man anymore.  OK, I need to nap now. Sleep while you can! I gotta get use to that. 

04 May, 2012

APRIL 25, 2012

4 am was always my witching hour during my pregnancy. I was either up going to the bathroom, getting a snack or woken by little kicks so it was no surprise when the contractions started around that time.  They started a little before 4 am around every 5 minutes but that didn't last long.  They quickly progressed to about every 2-3 minutes and they were getting stronger! Wow, does that hurt!
I called Steven who was just leaving work that he better get home asap.  When he got here he called the doctor's office and told them we were on our way.  It was only about a 15 minute ride but boy did it sure feel longer than that.
We got checked in to St. Peter's hospital in New Brunswick.  I know, me at a Catholic hospital of all places.  The contractions were still going strong but I was only dilated about 2 cm so bring on the pain meds.  They helped take the edge off but around 10 am they brought on the epidural! Thank you baby Jesus! Wow, can't imagine going through that without one.  My progression was slow so Steven and I just napped the afternoon away as much as we could.  They decided to break my water at some point that afternoon to move things along.  Apparently it was full of meconium, the little pooper!
Apparently I was hypertensive when I first got there but how could you not be with all that pain. After all the meds and epidural my blood  pressure got better but was still on the high side occasionally.  Also little Luca's heart rate was all over the place, especially if I rolled on to my side.  After my failure to progress more than 7 cm and all the other factors they decided it was time for a cesarean.  It wasn't an emergency so to say but they sure did act fast.  The doctor didn't like his heart rate and the fact that he was still so far up and away from my cervix after all this time.
Now for those of you who don't know Steven he is not very good with needles and all that comes with them. I have to say he was a rock through the whole thing and didn't pass out once! He put on his scrubs and stepped up just like I knew he would.
I had the epidural already so they just administered the block so I was awake for the surgery.  All seemed to be going well until they realized that little one was way wedged in there and was not coming out.  The doctor started to yell for another stool so she could get better leverage I guess and kept saying he was stuck. This is when I started to lose it literally. Get the bucket, I'm going to puke! So not only did Steven have to deal with being there for a surgery, his child being stuck and not wanting to come out but he had to hold the bucket while I puked all over the place.  What a trooper!
They finally called for another doctor to come in and assist which seemed like forever but out he finally came.  He was sunny side up and all jammed up.  The doctor said that I would never have a vaginal birth. I'm still not exactly sure why but obviously something is in the way and not moving so the little guy would have never come out. Thank god this isn't the 17th century huh! Modern medicine is fabulous!
Now I don't know if it was the drugs, the puking, the confusion but when he finally came out I still didn't know what was going on. I was like what is it? A boy or girl? He was also not crying a whole lot so I didn't even know he was out.  Turns out his little lungs had some poop water in them and his blood sugar was low so the whisked him of to the NICU and me to recovery.
I was in recovery for  about two hours then they moved me to my room.  Steven, his dad, my mom and Raymond where all waiting for me.  They went to the NICU to see Luca but I still haven't gotten to hold my little boy.  The nurse did hold him up to my face after he was born and I got to give him a little kiss but it was so quick and I was so out of it I barely saw him.
Steven kept checking on him and he went from the NICU to the transition room so they could monitor him still to make sure he was all good.
At some point in the evening I was like wait a minute... I just had a baby, where the hell is he? Finally around 12:30 am they brought the little guy in and we got to bond.  We were a family now.