

14 November, 2012

Six Months Already?

Lil man is six months already but yet I can't remember life with out him.  Only six months and he's been everywhere, well almost. Let's see, he went to Cape May, NJ, Myrtle Beach,SC, Seattle,WA, Ithaca, NY, Philadelphia, PA, and Daytona Beach,FL. He was on his first plane ride at three months old and his first road trip at 5 months.
He has been teething since he was born and he still doesn't have teeth!
He loves to eat just like his mama and haven't really found anything he doesn't like to eat so far. Well, like his dad peas are not his favorite but like his mom he'll eat them!
He is sitting up like a champ and even standing with assistance of course. He can roll over to his belly and back but forgets he can so he just cries in frustration and puts his head down in defeat. Silly boy! He loves clap hands, laughs at everything and is ticklish too. 
Pavlovian response...I use Mustela no rinse soap to spruce him up and wash his face. I put it in a tiny spray bottle and I will spray a wash cloth with it a couple times then wash his face with it. Now when he hears the spray bottle he scrunches up his face before I even wipe it off. It's very funny!
He is the cutest bestest baby ever and I love him to death!