

27 July, 2007


So, some of you might be wondering, if my little Italian family is all here on the east coast who am I referring to when I say my "west coast cousins"? I have a whole mess of family in the Seattle area. My father lives there with his wife and three sons. My uncles, Buzz and Phil, also live there with their wives and children, 6 cousins total and some of those cousins have kids of their own. I would name them all but I'm sure I wouldn't get every bodies names right, spelling that is.
ie: The term "wives" does not imply in anyway that my uncles have or are currently practising polygamy in any way shape or form. At least if they have they haven't posted it on their Blog.

The Yohann's, me included, are not very good at keeping in touch so I would catch up on family events by reading their blogs. I enjoyed it so I figured I would try one too. So far it's going as planned...I have no idea what I'm doing, I can't get the comments to post no matter what settings I change and every time I write a new post I lose it before I can publish it and then have to write it again. Other than that it's going great!

See,I was born in 70's so my theory is our generation kind of missed the boat with the whole computer craze. They just started putting computers in schools when we were there so we never really learned how to use them until college and by then we were all too hung over to pay attention in class. The younger kids grew up with them in the classroom and the older kids had to use them in the real world once they were out of school. Or my other theory is my friends and me wuz to lazy to learn us anything and the schools didn't supply us with any computers in the smoking sections for us to use. Wait, smoking sections? In schools? That's a whole other story.

So I suffer from "any thing with a chip in it, that isn't made from a potato, will not work when I use it" curse. Perhaps you have heard of it or read about it in Medical Journal of Clinical Curses and Voodoo Viruses? No? You can pick it up at Border's.

So another rant comes to an end...

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