

30 June, 2009


The girls and I went to our 20 year high school reunion a couple weeks ago. Over all it was a very good time and we were all glad we went. There were the usual characters, Dan and Tom, Danielle and Mike and there were the old friends who you haven't seen since high school or soon after like Larry, Adam, Mark and Lori.
It's funny though even after 20 years when you see these old friends again and reconnect how you slip right in to where you left off. It's like it was just yesterday that we were all hanging out in my basement partying and having a good time. Thanks for all the good times and great friendships...oh and the drinks, especially the drinks.

Why does everyone have three names but me?

Still kicking ass after 20 years

Open your eyes Ifer!
Qoy Orbison and Dan

Lori, Larry and me...grade school buddies

Larry and Mark


Bimbo and the Squid

Bean and Billy,I forgot they were friends...where are you Petey?

Don't ask...

Drink much girls? We were so done by then...pushing 4am here

Naturally friends and natural blondes?

Lori and Krack

God damn that's a big wonder she drinks so much!

Love you all and keep in touch!

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