

17 April, 2012

Any day now!

Hopefully! 39 weeks + 1 day and ready! I don't think my feet can get any bigger so this kid better come soon. Went to the doctors today and the baby's head is resting comfortably on my bladder. Gee, thanks. If nothing happens this week on Tuesday I will have a stress test and ultra sound and they will take it from there to see what's next.
It's hard to believe that after 40 years my whole life is going to completely change forever. I know for the better but I'm sure it's going to be a big shock. If only I met mister right ten years ago this would all be so much easier but it is what it is. At least I have mister right and not mister right now. I know for sure he will be the best dad he can be always.
Then there are the dogs. All they do is stalk every furry fluffy baby toy and blanket. I am hoping this will be our biggest problem with them adjusting to baby. I am sure the baby will get use to dog drool as quickly as the dogs will get use to baby drool!
Come on baby...let's go already!

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