

04 June, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Couldn't ask for a better baby last night and this morning. I even slept in our bed the whole night and only had to get up once to feed him and then he went back to sleep in his cradle no problem.  Lets hope there are more nights like that to come. Now we have to just work on a schedule. Thats a joke cause me on a schedule? I'll be late for everything but we'll try anyway and see what happens. I hope there is an app for that cause with out my phone I'm lost.

Speaking of lost...poor Dough Boy is so lost! He doesn't know what to do with himself now that Luca is here and he isn't top dog anymore. All I do is yell at him cause he is constantly in my way. I feel so bad for the little guy but I'm sure that once Luca learns how to throw a ball though they will be best friends!

So what do you get when you mate a Yohann with a Runfolo? A 6 week old who fits into 6 month old baby clothes already. When he was last measured he was 22 3/4" and that is in the 90% for a baby his age and he was at 75% for weight.  My little man is growing up already. I just bought him a sock monkey outfit and I doubt it will fit again. Now I will have to go back and buy a 6 month size for him instead.
Its a good thing I have piles of clothes all over the house for him.  We have to go get my old dresser from MJ's house so I can organize all his stuff so I know what I need to get the poor kid so he's not naked baby for the summer.

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