As some of you know I usually go to Bide-a-wee shelter on Wednesdays after work to walk some dogs. Today I did the same but after I went to meet my friend Sherri who is in from Seattle. I met up with her for a couple beers before heading home. I stopped in the Duane Reade to pick up a soda and a bag of chips. I took about 10 steps out of the store, cracked open my Diet Coke and took a sip. Yuck, it was flat! Normally I would just keep going especially since I had a train to catch but this time I turned around and went back in to get a new one. As I was talking with the manager getting yet another flat soda out of the cooler I hear someone behind me say "Don't I know you"? I turn around only to find a blast from the past from my high school days, Dan Fitzgerald! "Holy Shit Fitz" is about all I can say.
It turns out we were both running to catch a train that was leaving in about 3 minutes, fortunately for us it was the same train. So for about 10 minutes we had time to catch up on the past 18 years.
Its pretty scary how fast time goes by. It seems like only yesterday we were cruisin' around in Fitz's bitchin Camaro listening to Pink Floyd going to get beer to drink in my basement with the gang. I immediately called Eileen because Dan and her were pretty close back then. You see Dan's girlfriend Jen was sleeping with Eileen's boyfriend Mike back then so they had that in common...
The basement:
In junior high we hung out in my detached two car garage. We painted the walls with names of punk rock bands and painted the floor with Karen's snow tires. Some time in high school Karen decided to finally let us in the house and gave us the basement. Topher built a "wall" around the toilet and we had a fridge for beer. What else did we need? Ash trays! Fitz had bags of sand in the back of his bitchin camaro because it fish tailed in the snow so we filled old pots with it in the spring and viola, ashtrays!
I sit here now 18 years later and about 50 pounds heavier drinkin a beer I don't really need and smokin a cigarette I don't really want but with a smile on my face remembering "the good ole days"!
I want to thank the friends from that time that I still keep in touch with and to the friends, like Fitz, that I run in to every once in awhile. Thanks for some of the best times, that is the ones I can remember...
Love Aimee