

30 July, 2009

Lunch with the Guys?

So, I was on my way back to the house in Somerville and I decided to stop for some lunch. I had spent the night before drinking with the girls for one last night of debauchery at my apartment. I had also spent the morning packing and my car was full of boxes so needless to say I wasn't looking my best. I pulled into the parking lot and I told Dough Boy to be good while I ran in for a sandwich.

As I head inside I notice three women entering through the front door as I go in the side one and we meet in the middle at the counter. In a drunken packing haze I was gazing at the menu motionless just trying to string letters together to figure out what I was going to order when I hear someone next to me say " Are you ready?". I turn to see a very tall woman next to me and "say no, you go ahead". As I stood there reading the menu over and over I started to notice that there was something off about the three women next to me on line.

Those two sure are tall and they have no hips...those are some big feet and hands too. The shorter one sure has some broad shoulders and big arms...hey, wait a minute...those aren't women!

I start to realize that not only are these three post op transgender men/women but that I am standing right in the middle of them looking like I in fact have had the operation too! Pony tail, Yankee t-shirt, sneakers, deep voice! I slowly start to slide over to distance myself from the pack when I notice the one thing that separates me from them. A manicure! Thank god I'm not that girlie after all!

20 July, 2009

Moving, again!

As of August 1st I will be vacating my apartment and Pete and Dana will be moving in. Where will I be going you ask? Homeless Aimee...again. I'm off to Somerville where Steven has graciously agreed to take me in. Graciously agreed or forceful entry...they are one of the same right? Poor guy doesn't know what hit him. He came home yesterday to a new living room and new mattress for the bed and half of his stuff out in the yard. This after almost crushing him with my motorcycle when I drove that over last weekend. I hope my key still works when I get home later.

15 July, 2009


Isn't he just the cutest little goalie you've ever seen?
I love him like a fat kid loves cake.

Steven R.

10 July, 2009


Duncan turned 7 on July 3rd or should I say Bumblebee turned 7 ? I thought he was going to be 8 so I was very relieved to find out he was only turning 7 instead. 7 or 8 time is flying by at light speed with these kids. He will be going into 2nd grade already, Drew Pooh will be going into kindergarten and Aida is going into 1st. I don't know what they call the pre pre grade Violet is in and Millie will be going to ballet school.