

13 January, 2009

Meyer Lemons

So last Christmas I got a Meyer Lemon tree from Santa (Thomas & Lynn) and now I have these beautiful lemons. I love Meyer lemons! If you have never had one I highly recommend getting some, that is when they are in season. I usually find them at Trader Joe's. They look more like a cross between a orange and a lemon. They have a deep golden yellow color and are rounder than a normal lemon. If you are going to get some make sure you use the zest as well. They have a great floral aroma and taste. My favorite thing to make with them are Lemon Pudding cakes...yum! I'd give you the recipe but of course I only have it in grams.

1 comment:

Sweet Whip said...

Holy shit! You grew those beauties in your house in Jersey?! Lucky you! Micah and I brought a lemon tree back from a tourist trap in Fla to Seattle once, and it barely grew, let a lone bearing fruit...I recently read somewhere that if the plants are grown from seeds, they will never fruit. Need to be grown from root stock or grafted or something. So we'll have to try again now that we're in the sunshine state. Yum, lemon pudding cakes :)