

16 December, 2007

Ladies Lunch

It's been a long time over due but I finally had all the girls over for lunch. We use to get together more often but we've been slacking off. Now, a few years and many more kids later the crew came over for some fun. I want to thank them all for coming and all the lovely gifts, mostly wine which is great since my uncle's get very concerned when my wine rack is empty.

Eileen came over Friday night to help me get ready. Now some of you may be thinking she must have been really unprepared if Eileen was her idea of help. She was the best sous chef I ever had. I made her sift flour and powdered sugar which might have been a first for her. She also helped me clean up which was great since I was feeling a little under the weather.

The usual suspects came and we had a great time.
Lauren & Kayleigh
Jen & Emma
Tat & Sofia
Kim and her belly
Sue, Sean, Ava & Carine

Sofia, what a ham!

The twins

Glass of wine anybody? Thank you bartender Sean

Tat & Sofia

Sue & Sean

Krack & Kayleigh admiring the spread

Kayleigh & Emma


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