

07 August, 2008


My wonderful mother surprised me with three tickets to go see Boeing Boeing on my birthday. Tuesday night shows all start at 7pm so they told me to meet them at a restaurant in the theatre district at 5:30. Now I knew we either were going to see a play or they were taking there "senior" years way to seriously with an early bird dinner.
Surprise, Jennifer and Jeannine were there to join us for dinner too! But wait, she only got three tickets? Now for those of you that know Karen or MJ even just the littlest bit you know that they are very giving and selfless people. They insisted that the three girls go see the show together. So off we went to the theatre where our seats were literally front row and center. I thought the actors were going to fall off the stage on top of us at any moment.
During the intermission we got up to stretch and take a look around and who do we see sitting six rows behind us? Al Pacino! Karen's favorite! Oh boy, is she gonna kill us. I felt so bad that poor Karen planned such a great birthday for me and when her big moment came to finally meet Pacino she was sitting in a theatre watching Mama Mia with MJ.
Sorry Mommy!

Love you and thanks for another great birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first you neglected to tell everyone the reason your Mommy is selfless is because the damn tickets were over $100 a piece- then the selfless act comes in and we Both figured let the 3 Girls go !Best Buds- 3 Cuz ! gald you had a great time and we were there for the celebration ! Happy Birthday , My Baby!
PS. Mama Mia was THE WORST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!