

09 April, 2012

Captain's Log week 38

Ok baby, come on out! I would like to wear socks again! My Miss Piggy feet are huge and my ankles seem to have disappeared yesterday. At least my sciatic nerve isn't that bad anymore, acts up much less than it did last week.
Good news is that it doesn't look like we have to move right away so that helps. I don't know what is going on with this house but the longer we can stay the better for us. My previous employer still hasn't filled out my disability papers and it's been two weeks of me chasing them around to help me. Gee, thanks! I still can't believe how horrible they have treated me after I worked my ass off for them. What mean people. So needless to say I am flat broke. Just the way you want to be when you are about to give birth.
Enough of my sob story, let's move on to Tini's. My pour little pup has been sick on and off for months and they are doing more tests which really helps our bank account but what can ya do. She is so sweet and funny and it is so sad to see her under the weather. She will just sit there shaking uncontrollably for hours on end and there is nothing I can do but wait and see what the vet says. Hopefully it isn't anything serious and we won't have to make "the decision" anytime soon.
Nesting? ah, no! I seemed to have missed that part. Cleaning? ah, no! House is a mess! Clean dogs? ah, definitely no! I can't really bend over to give them a bath. Oh well, I better go do something productive today.

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