

23 May, 2012

One Month Mom

I can't believe it was four weeks ago that everything changed forever,  Luca Albert came into our lives. My little man is so damn cute it's crazy.  I know, every mom thinks their kid is the cutest but mine really is. I asked my best friend a long time ago that if my child was ugly that she would have to tell me and she hasn't said anything yet so I'm going with he's adorable.
I have to say motherhood is very fun, challenging at times and definitely tiring but is so worth it when you wake up and see that little face.  Now I am a sleeper and was wondering how I was going to pull this off. After all I have been sleeping for as much as I've wanted for 40 years. Old habits are hard to break! I have been doing rather well with the lack of sleep but it still takes me awhile to realize that the noise I hear is not only a baby crying but my baby crying. Oh crap, I have to get up!  Now Steven who for as long as I have know him has claimed to be a light sleeper but he seems to be sleeping through the noise just fine. Funny how that works out but he does work so hard for us I can't complain.
The best part about all of this is that my two nephews finally realize I exist! Duncan who will be 10 in July and Drew who just turned 8 love Luca! I mean the girls love him too but they are girls and were so excited from the beginning but the boys are too cute with him.  They always want to hold him and say things like "when he is my age I can drive him to school" and "Don't let him have a binky cause he'll end up with teeth like mine".  Drew was holding him today when Luca started making his pooh face so it was only a matter of time and when he finally did the grin on Drew's face was priceless.  He was laughing like crazy.  Not only did that get Luca a big hug when it was time to go but me too! I don't think Drew has ever hugged me good bye with out being told before. How cute is that?
I can't wait to see what happens next. They love their little cousin! 

1 comment:

J Yo said...

He IS cute. Real cute. It's not just you... :)