

27 March, 2008

Gay Paris

So, I'm off to Paris and can't wait. Unfortunately I had my first back problem on Tuesday and have been lying on MJ's floor since with ice packs. I have been to the chiropractor everyday so they could zap my muscles with electricity and amazingly enough am feeling pretty good. I was very worried that I wasn't going to make the trip but I have a lot of pills for the flight so wish me luck. I can't believe this happened to me this week. C'est la vie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karen and I saw Aimee off at the airport -we made her take the cane Mary loaned her! hey that is a ticket into a lot of easy transports! Aimee went for a "treatment" the same day she left and the dr. was amazed at how far she has come BUT has a long way to go-more treatmetns when she comes home ! Judy and Larry (her Bosses) were there to greet her-such sweet people- Good Luck Judy and Larry-or better still , have a funtime with the silliest person on this Earth !