

03 August, 2009


This was the last weekend of my move. I had to take Friday off to get everything done cause my apartment was still in shambles with all that last minute crap that accumulates as you pack. You know the stuff I mean, not that important to pack, doesn't fit in the box, do I really want it still and oh, I've been looking for that!
MJ came over to help me out and then Davey too. Pete stopped by earlier in the day and was a little nervous that I wasn't gonna get all my crap out in time. I just kept yelling "I have until midnight"! Thank god it didn't take me that long, only 5pm or so. Dana and Pete came over to sign the lease and I was out of there with a mini van full of crap.
You should have seen Steven's face when he saw the van. A little panic came over him..."Where are you going to put all this?" Don't worry sweetie, take deep breathes! That's why I got storage remember? He is such a good sport.
All in all everything went well and we'll have to somewhat do it all again in a couple months. John Z, Steven's good friend and upstairs tenant will be moving out so we will have the whole house to ourselves and then I can get all my stuff out of storage and unpack for real. It will be very weird not having Z around but we sure could use the closet space. I'll miss you Johnny Z!
Until next time...

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