

04 March, 2009

Happy Baby Gaby and Dave!

Last weekend I went to my friend Gaby and Dave's baby shower. I was more than willing to make my friend her baby shower cake after all I made their wedding cake as well. I am so excited for them both. She is due April 7th and they don't know if they are having a boy or a girl which I love. I don't want to know. I know it makes it easier and all and it's hard not to find out these days but it's always such a great surprise to find out when the big day comes. What ever the little tyke turns out to be it will be super cute and loved by us all.


Alicia said...

That has to be THE coolest cake I have ever seen. Kudos to you cuz!

I hope all is well on the other side of the country. :)


Gaby said...

I just want to thank you again Aimee - the cake was not only beautiful, but DELICIOUS (you know i finished it off last week...) - thank you for always making our events that much more special. Now, about that babysitting....


cacfus said...

Wow. That cake is incredible!